Monday, August 14, 2006

Yarn ho.

I have asked for this shirt from for Christmas/My Birthday. Those of you who know Gene know that I actually have a chance of getting this because he likes shirts that refer to pimps, hoes (sp?) and the like. He also likes to wear them around my parents. *sigh*

I would like to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jodi, at Knit and Plenty. She has graciously allowed me to link to her blog. Look at her kits. How freakin awesome are they? Make your LYS buy them!!! Organized knitters! What is the world coming to!!!

Stitches Midwest was this weekend. I spent all weekend touching yarn. It was AWESOME! I went both days. The first day I went by myself. That was actually nice, because I could search and pick at my own pace. The second day I took a friend who is interested in knitting. I had made the prediction that she would either be totally jazzed or totally freaked out. Luckily, she was totally jazzed. She has decided that she wants to learn to knit (no surprises there) and she came into the show saying she just wanted to learn how to knit simple little things - she didn't even know what that might be.

She left realizing that she wants to make sweaters. My work here is done. :)

I met a really great couple from St. Charles who had roving and drop spindles. I love the feel of roving, and so I got some of that. I got a drop spindle thinking I would give it to Gretchen - she's so not getting it! I have spun my first yarn, and I am totally jazzed about it. I'll post picks of that when I get a chance. I believe they'll be at the sheep and wool festival in Wisconsin next month. I hope to have all my roving spun by then. Now, I might want a spinning wheel before I get a serger. And I really want a serger.

The stash from Saturday (Sunday's will be on another post - I ran out of space on the camera):

Do you see all the roving? I am a crazy woman. :)

In other knitting news, I give you the knit-along I never joined. I made 2 matching cuffs with quite the snarky (LOVE THAT WORD) phrase: JFGI. Suzy got the JF and I got the GI. What does that mean? Well, you know how people ask stupid questions all the time that they could find the answer to on their own by using that ubiquitous search engine, Google? The should really save us all some time and Just F***** Google It.


So the cuffs. Suzy's JF (on Suzy's hand)...

and mine (on my hand)...

I am so very hip.


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