Lifestyles of the Marginally Acquainted
I'm going to toot (TOOT!) my own horn. I have been added to Vickie Howell's photos page.
The Me Show.
Ok, so it's mostly about Vickie Howell...but if you go to the Knitters' Gallery mine is the last picture (so far) on the right with the two wristbands. You, dear reader(s), know what JFGI means.
Now I am a fan of Knitty Gritty and Vicki Howell, but not in the creepy follow around and whatever kind of way. No, I'm a fan in the finally, someone who is under the age of 75 who can talk about knitting in a very public venue (three-steps-up-from-basic-cable television) and who is able to bring very interesting designers on and make it accessible kind of way. Much like I think Stephanie Japel is a genius even though she has the following of knitters who love sexy patterns. Even Gene likes the Knit Bits.
On the note of Stephanie Japel and sexy knits, I think I will join the KAL for the Sexy Knitters Club if they do Stephanie's (Glampyre's) Simple Knitted Bodice. I liked it when I saw it, and it seems like it could be a pretty cool thing to wear.
You know, I'm just that cool. I'll wear my hair in dreads and hang out with musicians and talk about poetry and um, stuff.
In the interest of having photos on this post, I will give another quilting show visual snack.
And because I'm lazy (I am on vacation after all...) I'm going to post a picture of what the artist had to say about this piece. A reminder - this is fabric. FABRIC!!! I love sculptural stuff with fabric. I may try to scrounge a picture of a project I did in college with welded metal strips, muslin, foam, and iron powder that I rusted on purpose. Ah...Art School Days of Wine and Roses (actually, Beer and Art Markers). But I digress.