Saturday, May 06, 2006

Older Post (11 Mar 06)

I turned my hair red a couple of days ago.

I was going out on a job site, so I actually curled it, too, and put on makeup and a nice business-y outfit. Yes, you saw that right, makeup!! So that's why you don't see my face - I don't want anyone to get any ideas.

I really like this color - I haven't been a redhead since I've been married. I haven't been this bright since I lived in Kent. That means it was initially a shock to Gene, who is used to my burgandy red hair color choice.

Anywho, my fingerless gloves, which I find an excuse to wear all the time, are from the leftover yarn from Gene's sweater. I told him to pick a color. He immediately said green apple. I found the yarn that would work, and got some, but, as I have a tendency to do, I got too much. (I think it's my secret ploy to have my stash grow without his knowing.) I was scared, but the more I looked at the colors (including the navy blue he also said he wanted), the more I realized that the sweater was going to end up very J Crew-ish. It looks great on him, though. Of course, he could wear a burlap sack and it would look great. If we ever have kids, they will be beautiful because of him.

So I thought, cotton would be great for these gloves. It is - except that it stretches out easily. I think I'm going to sew some elastic at the top, above the elbows, so it holds its shape a bit better.
But Gene and I can match now! We have Gene in his sweater:

The boy never smiles with his teeth. He does sometimes wear this sweater, though, without always looking like his grandma gave it to him for Christmas.

Here, he is playing World of Warcraft in his office. And wearing his sweater voluntarily. :)

And we have my handwarmers (below, in progress)...

I think I did a good job capturing the sweater feeling. Not that stripes are all that hard, but still.

Well, Suzy will be here soon (Yay!), so I had better make sure the bathrooms and stuff are ready to go. It's so nice out! I don't want to stay in and clean!!!


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